Ashley Cheever, RN | Discover Better Sleep

Raymond, NH
Certified Since 2024


  • Sleep Consultant

About Me

After becoming a mom and struggling with my son’s sleep I started exploring sleep training techniques, wake times, nap schedules, and I realized there was so much to learn. The further down the rabbit hole I went, the more I realized I loved helping my son improve his sleep. I started sharing tips and information with my friends and patients at work. Slowly, but surely, I started to get feedback that those bits of information were helping! Every time I helped someone’s child sleep better, I was overjoyed. And, not to mention my own son was now sleeping through the night! It made me realize that there are so many other families out there that could benefit from my support, education, and sleep training. As a maternity nurse, I help many families prepare to take their newborns home. In this setting, I have limited time to educate and support parents with their newborn’s sleep. That is why I created Discover Better Sleep so I can continue to help families in a larger capacity and provide the support I really want to. If you’re looking to improve your little one’s sleep, I’d love to hear from you! You can rely on me to provide quick responses and evidenced based practices. You can reach me on my website or via email. Chat soon!

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