Ausra Cirkelyte

Abu Dhabi
Certified Since 2022


  • Sleep Consultant
  • Newborn Sleep
  • Potty Training Consultant

About Me

Hello! My name is Ausra. I am a Pediatric Sleep Consultant and I understand how a child's sleep issues can affect the whole family's well-being. I am a mother of two, and I was a sleepless mama myself when I first became a parent. My son was sleeping only in my hands and there was no other way to make him sleep. Thank God, I hired a professional to help me with this, and this has truly changed my life. My son Hamdan was sleeping peacefully and finally started getting all the sleep that he required. Seeing this amazing transformation, I have decided to follow this path, and transform the lives of other families who have children struggling to sleep through the night. Being a Pediatric Sleep Coach today, I understand the main challenges that parents go through, and my true goal is to help those families as much as I can. Therefore, working with families I offer additional support which helps parents to feel confident and looked after. I believe that every child is unique, and there is no one way that fits all children. That's why I fully customize a sleep plan for every family to suit every family's needs. I use gentle approaches which do not involve the "Cry-It-Out" Method. I have worked with over 300 families around the globe to get their sleep and get their lives back on track, and I would love to help you too! Book a free discovery call with me to understand more about how I can help you. Looking forward to talking to you!

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