Baby Sleep Consultant near DC
Springfield, VA
Certified Since 2022
About Me
Every parent hears the horror stories of the sleepless nights after a baby and how it'll be years before they are able to get any rest. Somehow this has become so normal and the jokes surrounding it are endless that it often times seems like sleep deprivation is the initiation into parenthood that you just have to go through. This is NOT the case! There is nothing wrong with wanting your baby to sleep through the night and you are no less of a parent because of it. Though sleep teaching is not a fix all solution and can't guarantee you will never need to attend to your baby at 3am (they are babies, not robots) it certainly will improve your baby's sleep as well as yours! Imagine, instead of dreading your baby waking up because you need another 10 minutes of sleep you actually feel excited to wake them up and spend time with them! Whether you have tons of questions or want to jump right in I am here to help you through the whole process! Check out my site to schedule a free evaluation and browse some of the packages I offer!