Kasey Gregory- Discover & Dream

Stamford, CT
Certified Since 2017


  • Sleep Consultant
  • Newborn Sleep

About Me

I am the co-founder of Discover & Dream, dedicated to helping families sleep better! I am certified pediatric sleep coach (0-4 years old) who offers services globally, with most clients residing in Westchester, NY, Connecticut and Seattle, WA. Before becoming a certified pediatric sleep consultant, I worked as a Speech-Language Pathologist in a skilled nursing facility and also, seeing patients in their homes. When my first son was born, I decided that staying home was the best option for her family. Being a stay-at-home-mom isn’t easy and feeling the effects of sleep deprivation made things even harder. With many sleepless nights and difficulty with getting her son to sleep, I learned how to solve the puzzle where my son was taking consistent naps during the day and sleeping through the night without unnecessary wakings. I decided to change my life’s work to a newfound devotion to help other families get a better night sleep. I became passionate about helping families develop healthy sleep habits for their little ones and enjoy all the benefits of sleep for the whole family.

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