Kim Sopman
Toronto, Ontario
Certified Since 2016
About Me
How would it feel to make sleep a priority for your whole family?
To spend less time second-guessing yourself and do what feels right...
To feel at EASE and more CONFIDENT moving into naps and bedtime...
Yes, this is possible no matter the age and stage of your little one!
Hey! I’m Kim. My obsessions are coffee, my two kids and all things sleep! I am a certified sleep coach specializing in helping families optimize sleep for their children and themselves using evidence-based, responsive strategies.
I have completed six extensive sleep certification programs, and I am a member of the International Association of Child Sleep Consultants. My background has provided me with a unique perspective; I understand sleep from a baby-led, sleep-without-sleep training point-of-view and the traditional methods touted by pediatricians as the quickest and recommended way to a whole night of sleep.
Every family’s sleep challenges and intentions are different. Realistic expectations and the appreciation of what normal baby sleep looks like is key when making changes to their child’s sleep preferences. I want parents to make sound decisions for their children based on understanding, not fear!
I work with families in situations that have become unsustainable and want to take conscious steps to promote sleep wellness by building trust and confidence around sleep times. If you feel like your family’s sleep health needs an overhaul, I’d love to work with you to achieve positive results for your whole family. Please book your free Sleep Strategy Call today by emailing me at