Marian Danial

Certified Since 2024


  • Sleep Consultant

About Me

As a first time mom, what hit me the hardest was the sleep deprivation. Every evening, I'd worry about what was going to happen. I'd worry about whether I'd get even a blink of sleep. If I didn't, how was I going to function the next day? How was I going to care for my little one? I was desperate and exhausted. I hired a sleep trainer and it was the single best decision I ever made. Within days, my little one was sleeping for long stretches and I could finally rest and get some much needed sleep myself. I quickly realized how rewarding this career is and decided that I wanted to help other parents get their littles (and themselves) sleeping. If you're struggling with sleep training, I can help you get your baby sleeping in just 7 days and give you back the free time you thought you'd never see again. You can reach me at to book a free discovery call.

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