Monique Elario – teaching babies how to self settle

Certified Since 2020


  • Sleep Consultant

About Me

When my daughter Tori was born I hardly slept for 6 months. She used to wake every hour during the night and would not sleep unless I was laying beside her holding her hand. During the day I would be lucky if she napped for 35 minutes 4/5 times a day. I felt like I had no time to myself and was completely exhausted even though the bonding time was amazing. ​ At our wit's end, after spending hours and hours on google and in various mom groups, we decided to seek professional help from a sleep consultant. Her methods and advice were so incredible that Tori's progress was quite literally life-changing for us. Tori started sleeping through the night unassisted and began having solid 90 minute plus naps during the day. It was due to this revolutionary change that I found myself wanting to know everything about paediatric sleep. I knew there would be other moms/parents suffering like I did and I wanted to use my experiences to help other sleep-deprived families. ​ A true passion turned into a career choice. My Philosophy There are various methods to get your child to sleep and this information can be found anywhere. When I work with families, I want to understand their child, their situation, their goals and I want to help them achieve those goals and dreams in a way that feels good to them. My goal is to help families experience more calm and happiness throughout the day and make bedtime easier for parents and their little ones but most importantly I am there with you every step of the way cheering you on, guiding and supporting you on your journey. I have worked with 100s of families from all over the world, with the opposite time zones, this works very well for families as I am there to support and guide them through the difficult nights. If you would like to know more about how I can help you and your family get the sleep that you have dreamed about, I would love to chat, please book your free 20-minute assessment call here --

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