My Baby’s Sleep Fairy

Zürich, ZH
Certified Since 2022


  • Sleep Consultant

About Me

Hello, I am Charlotte, When I became a mother, I was constantly surrounded by people who were telling me how the arrival of a baby would be a major life change and that I could say good bye to sleeping and there was nothing I could do about it. Let me tell you, I know how it feels to be sleep-deprived, waking up every couple of hours and thinking that there is no end to this or that I just have to patiently wait that my baby sleeps through the night. Both my husband and I are big sleepers and we decided to seek solutions to help us accompanying our baby towards better and healthier sleep. For our baby's health but also for our relationship. We uncovered a brand new world of hidden knowledge and information. When we pieced the information together as a puzzle, everything made sense. Yes, some babies and children have a much easier relationship and ability to sleep but also, Yes, there are plenty of things we can influence as parents. You can influence your baby's relationship to sleep as early as you want. I got so passionate around the topic of sleep and babies, that I started reading 100's of books, booked 1:1 sessions with different sleep therapists to get trained and finally enrolled at the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting to obtain my official certification. With me, you will not be advised to let your baby cry it out but understand, welcome and accompany their emotions. My sleeping plans are completely tailored to you and the well being of mothers and fathers are at the center of my recommendations. There is no rigid method to help your child sleep better and there are no good or bad habits - There is just what works for you. My plans are tailored to your objectives and the end goal is for you to recover a healthy and happy family atmosphere. Looking forward to meeting you!

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