Rachel Bascom
Toronto, Ontario
Certified Since 2020
About Me
Hi, I'm Rachel Bascom. I'm a mother of two, and have been through the worst of it with sleep issues. Both of my children needed to be rocked and bounced to sleep when they were young babies. I found myself spending 9-10 hours a day bouncing on a ball, unable to put my child down to sleep on their own. It was terrible. I was up all night, every night. I thought it was just normal to not sleep when you have kids.
That's when I decided to work with a sleep consultant. After we went through sleep training, our lives were all infinitely better. So much so, that I knew I had to become a sleep coach myself. I wanted to help other families get better rest because this was such a life changing experience for me and my whole family. I'm pretty obsessed with baby sleep and helping families get more rest!