How to Become a Certified Sleep Consultant

how to become a certified sleep consultant

How to Become a Certified Sleep Consultant

Sleep consulting is an amazing and rewarding career. If you’ve been wondering how to become a Certified Sleep Consultant, read on for everything you need to know.

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Sleep Consulting is a Growing Niche

Thinking about becoming a Certified Sleep Consultant for infants and children? Now is the perfect time. Sleep consulting is a growing industry, with more parents than ever before seeking help for their child’s sleep issues.  So why is it such a great time to become a Certified Sleep Consultant? Well, once upon a time, parents relied on the advice of friends and family, on books, and on their doctor’s advice in helping children develop better sleep habits. It’s likely you know someone who has struggled with a sleepless little one. Or perhaps you went through the same difficult issue yourself. You try everything, from putting the baby down full of nice, warm milk to letting her “cry it out.”  Yet none of it worked. And you were left stumped ––  and wondering what you did wrong.


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Parents (and Babies!) Just Need the Right Training

The problem with babies and sleep is that the minute the infant is born, parents are hit with a myriad of conflicting parenting advice, through books, magazines, or personal experiences from friends and family. For some families, a particular piece of advice works.But for many others, the more techniques they try, the more confused their child becomes, and the issue may even become worse. That’s where Certified Sleep Consultants come in. There’s no better feeling than seeing a baby get the sleep (finally!) that their developing bodies need. Seeing a family that has been wrestling with this painful issue find peace, quiet and harmony is such a tremendous reward.


What is a Baby Sleep Consultant?

A Certified Infant or Child Sleep Consultant:

  • Consults with parents or caregivers to determine the exact problem.
  • Helps develop a individual baby sleep plan according to the family’s style and needs.
  • Gives specific sleep advice.
  • Demonstrates empathy to increase trust between the Consultant and the caregiver(s).
  • Demonstrates experience and is able to produce credentials (such as a Sleep Consultant Certification).
  • Provides ongoing support after the teaching process is completed.

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Why a Baby Sleep Consultant Certificate is Important

Perhaps you’re “that person” friends go to for advice on helping their baby get to sleep. And that’s great! In fact, many women start on this career path because they’ve had great luck with helping parents out. But it’s problematic ––  and even potentially dangerous ––  to rely on instinct or personal experience to help caregivers with their issue. That’s because you may be missing some important aspects of gently and reliably getting babies to go to sleep.  You might also give the wrong advice that makes things harder for parents. It’s not unheard of for an amateur “helper” to accidentally give medical advice (this is a no-no for Certified Sleep Consultants, by the way!), or to unknowingly damage an infant’s trust in her caregiver. An infant Sleep Consultant certificate from a reputable school shows you’ve been through the correct education process to enable you to help parents with their baby’s sleep problems safely.


How to Become a Certified Sleep Consultant

Becoming a Certified Sleep Consultant is one of the most rewarding and flexible career choices you can make! Ready to get started? It’s easy. Here’s what to do: 

1. Enroll –>

2. Pay Tuition –>

3. Successfully Complete the Course


The IPSP® offers sleep consultant certification that can be completed in the comfort of your own home. The course contains 8 self-paced modules that you can complete at your own pace. 

You’ll learn about the biological basis for sleep, the progression of infant and toddler sleep, sleep troubles and why they arise, various sleep training techniques, how to coach your clients, how to create customized sleep plans, and how to set up and market your business to attract clients. 

Through this program, you will learn how to be a successful sleep consultant and how to market yourself and your business.  Don’t wait. Get started right now!


For more information and a sneak peek of the IPSP® Sleep Consultant Certification Program

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About IPSP®

We are dedicated professionals offering comprehensive training and education from a name that clients trust. 

You will be receiving your certification from an Institute that is an approved training provider. Your certificate of completion and certification logo will denote your training so that you can proudly display this on your website, marketing material, and showcase to your clients.

Violet Giannone, Director of IPSP is a Registered Nurse, Pediatric Sleep Consultant, Regional Representative of the Association of Child Sleep Consultants, Published Author of Baby Sleep Training in 7 Days. She is also Founder and Owner of Sleep, Baby, Sleep® a world renowned pediatric sleep consulting company.

Our instructors are experts in their field. From lactation, psychotherapy, child development, to marketing and business building we offer a course that you can be proud of completing.

Anyone can become a sleep consultant, but where you complete your certification will often determine how successful you are, so choose wisely!

The biggest mistake we see at IPSP is students taking a quick online course from an unqualified website or person, then coming to us for additional training. 

Click here for more information, course outline, fees and enrollment

See you in class!



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Why choose IPSP?


Flexible Coursework

Our programs are 100% online and self-paced. Work through the curriculum anytime and from anywhere.


Qualified Faculty

Our instructors have the education and real-world experience needed to help you consult with confidence.

Supportive Community

Your tuition includes access to a community of IPSP-trained consultants. Ask questions, share resources, and discuss trends.

Affordable Tuition

Payment plans make it easier for you to achieve your goals without breaking the bank. It’s premier education without the price tag.

Lifetime Certification

Unlike most programs, IPSP doesn’t charge annual recertification fees.

Instant Marketing

Jumpstart your business with a profile on the IPSP website and in-house referral opportunities.

Hands-On Director

Our founder and lead instructor is only an email, phone call, or text away—every day of the week.


Proven Track Record

More than 1200 students have rewarding careers thanks to their IPSP certification.

Plus, no other sleep consultant certification course is taught by a registered nurse.

Have peace of mind knowing you’re investing in the most robust, most up-to-date training available.

Learn from one of the world’s most respected certification programs.

Sleep Consultant Certification Curriculum Outline


The Science of Sleep

Learn the biology of sleep, including the stages of sleep, sleep cycles, and how child development affects sleep.


Sleep Training Techniques

Develop expertise in multiple sleep training methods so you can match your skills to each client’s specific needs.


Bumps in the Road

Understand how to help your clients manage teething, separation anxiety, night weaning, illness, and more.


The Business of Sleep Coaching

Get the nuts and bolts of setting up and running a profitable business, including insurance and liability.


Infant and Toddler Sleep Basics

Know how to help with bedtime struggles, frequent night wakings, early wake-ups, and so much more.


Creating Customized Sleep Plans

Learn exactly how to create successful sleep plans and develop a sleep plan template you can easily and quickly customize.


When to Refer Out

Sometimes, sleep training may not be an appropriate solution, Know how and when to refer your client to another professional.

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