CALM + SLEEPY Consulting- Family Wellness Education

Lyman, Maine
Certified Since 2022


  • Sleep Consultant

About Me

With a life in education and a passion for creating enriching moments for children in nature and the classroom, I am a caretaker and a guide through + through. Babies, children, and parents all learn new things in different ways. As a teacher, my goal is to present new ideas or support needs in an individualized way. Clear and attainable instruction with real-life actions are my tools to teach in the world of infant and children's sleep learning. When you work with me as a sleep consultant, I am alongside you in the teaching team to show your child the ways to work through sleep troubles or training. As a part of your team, I support your emotional needs so that the training process is stress-free and calm. Educated, confident, consistent, calm. These are my goals for you. What goals to you have? Free consulting call available at my website Sleep tips and mindful practices to keep calm during the stressful baby moments, @calm_and_sleepy

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