Carolina Trujillo – Mom4Moms LLC

Medellin, Antioquia
Certified Since 2023


  • Sleep Consultant

About Me

Mom4Moms LLC was born with the birth of my second child when I realized the true need that moms have for comprehensive support in many situations such as your baby's sleep, breastfeeding and everything that entails the postpartum period. As a mom, I know the challenges, difficulties, and frustrations we have to go through. Many times we feel alone, overwhelmed, and unsure of what to do – so many emotions, physical or emotional pain that can lead us to depression or feeling like bad mothers, and we feel like we have to go through all of this without the support we would like or need. For this reason and much more, I decided to create this comprehensive support for you, so you can sleep better and your baby and the rest of the family too. I’m 100% sure that if your sleep improves you will feel much better. I want to help you when you are most vulnerable and when you need it the most. I’m here for you, please feel free to contact me through my email or through text message +1 954 3383439

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