Rachel Arana, Peace and Slumber

San Francisco, CA
Certified Since 2023


  • Sleep Consultant

About Me

Hi tired parents! My name is Rachel Arana and I started Peace and Slumber to help give back those much needed hours of sleep to you and your little ones. As a mom of two girls (one born in 2019 and the other in 2022), I know exactly how exhausting, desperate and helpless it can feel when your baby or toddler just won't sleep through the night. After successfully sleep training both of them and getting them to sleep 12 hours straight at night using different sleep training methods, I made it my mission to help others get the same peace and quiet. Restorative sleep is not only beneficial for your developing child, but for your own sanity sake. Based on a variety of factors, we'll work together to come up with the best plan and training technique for your family (from gentle methods to CIO). If you're interested in peaceful rest for the whole family, let's chat.

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