Stephanie Kaufman, RN, BSN, IBCLC, CEIM

Moundridge, KS
Certified Since 2023


  • Newborn Sleep

About Me

My name is Stephanie Kaufman. I am a wife, mom to 4 young adults, and RN who has worked with moms and babies for the last 27 years in labor, delivery, postpartum and newborn care. I like to say that I majored in moms and babies! In 2015 I began to focus on lactation and became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and never knew what a passion I would have for serving families along side their breastfeeding journey. In the beginning of 2023, in addition to my work in the hospital, I opened a private practice lactation and postpartum support service named Shine Lactation + Postpartum Support. While developing a business to support families, I knew I wanted to offer whatever I could to parents of newborns to help, encourage, and make sure they have the support to thrive as they introduce new babies to their homes. After some research, I also became certified as an Infant Massage Educator. As my business has launched and grown these past few months, one commonality that I have heard from each and every family is their plea for help with newborn sleep. With my experience I knew that I could offer support for this, however, I wanted to be credible and gain as much knowledge as I possibly could to offer this support to my menu of helping families. I am thankful for the Newborn Sleep Specialist certification as it has given me the confidence to support families in all of the ways they are asking for. Please check my website for all that Shine Lactation + Postpartum Support offers to families and my contact information. Bringing a newborn into your life is a beautiful journey and I would love to help make it the best it can possibly be. I am available for phone consultations to talk about what your greatest need is as a new parent. I am excited to offer you my expertise in lactation, postpartum support, newborn care, infant massage, and laying a foundation for sleep with your newborn. Email for more information and to connect with me personally.

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