Alisha Staples
Douglas, Massachusetts
Certified Since 2024
About Me
Hi 👋 I’m Alisha! I am a wife, mom to 1, step mom to 2, and fur mom to 2! Before having my son, I never put much thought into how important sleep is or how to teach a baby to sleep… or the fact we even have to teach a baby to sleep 😂 Once I started digging the internet for advice, everything seemed wildly contradicting, too harsh, or just completely unrealistic. The internet can also quickly make you think you are doing everything wrong since a lot of advice doesn’t seem to account for babies being well.. babies! I believe that “sleep training” doesn’t need to be all or nothing so I decided to do things my own way. My son is now an amazing independent sleeper, but I still rock him to sleep from time to time because I WANT to .. he’s only little for so long 🩵 I’ve heard other moms completely desperate for a gentle, flexible approach to getting their babies to sleep so I decided to become a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant so I can help with exactly that! I want to help you regain back your sleepless nights without having to sacrifice all your Mama instincts. If you are struggling right now, know it’s only temporary! Head to my website and check out what I offer or reach out via email @ AlishastaplesPSC@yahoo.com