Chiara Bombieri-Morales

Bassano Del Grappa
Certified Since 2023


  • Sleep Consultant

About Me

Ciao! My name is Chiara and I am currently based in Italy since 2015 but with fluency in both English and Italian, I can seamlessly communicate with you no matter where you are in the world. With two little ones of my own and another on the way, I know the joys, challenges, and the sheer exhaustion that parenthood can bring. My mission is to help you and your family get the peaceful, restful nights you deserve . My personal experiences have driven my passion for helping families like yours find the perfect sleep solutions for your family's needs. I understand that every family is unique, and my approach is all about personalization. I don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions because each child and family is special and deserves a customized plan that respects your values and comfort. I'm here to offer you flexibility and understanding. Sleep is a vital component of your child's well-being, and I'm committed to guiding you through the journey to better nights, brighter mornings and seamless naps. Together, we'll uncover the sleep solutions that suit your family's unique needs.

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