Consistent Sleep by Connie

Erie, PA
Certified Since 2023


  • Sleep Consultant

About Me

Hi there! I’m Connie - a mom of two and fourth grade teacher from Erie, PA. I’ve decided to dive into helping other parents get their baby to sleep better… I truly know how important it is. Sleep deprivation is horrendous!! I was the first of my friends to have a baby and was so clueless as a new mom. The internet was my saving grace… but with some postpartum anxiety + sleep deprivation sprinkled in there… I was so so overwhelmed. I needed help. I wanted someone to just tell me exactly what to do! I ended up focusing on baby sleep big time and slowly over time.. my baby was sleeping! I finally felt like I was able to breathe. I didn’t have to be tired and just surviving forever. Then, I had another baby and realized they were VERY different! I wasn’t going to be able to do the exact same thing as before. I had to figure it out again. For the past few years.. I have become passionate about helping parents get their baby to sleep better! Everyone wants consistent sleep! PLEASE message me if you need some help, need to talk, or know someone who could use help. I am here and I’m in your corner! You’re doing great!

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