Jackie Allison
Maricopa, Az
Certified Since 2024
About Me
Jackie Allison, Owner and Co-founder of Mums Wake Up And Win LLC
Jackie is a Atlanta native, mother of two grown children, Glam NaNa to one grandson, foster grandson. Jackie has always had a passion and skill set working with women especially mothers with small children.
Jackie work as a a family educator for families for over twenty-five years. She takes pride in the cultivation of the infancy stages to assist parents with the development and bonding with their little one.
Jackie is an Children Publisher of 5 children books and parent e-Book. Jackie is a Transformational Speaker, Coach, and Life Trainer, Cert. NCS, Cert. NSS, Key Note Speaker.
Jackie takes joy in the cultivation, and development of mankind, and is on a mission to see the humanity succeeds in every area of life.
To Book A Consultation@ jackieballison.com
Have any questions email@info@jackieballison.com