The Most Lucrative Side Hustles for Nurse Practitioners

Side Hustles for Nurse Practitioners

Being a nurse practitioner is exceptionally rewarding, but let’s be honest… it is HARD WORK. If you’re looking for extra income, here are the 5 top side hustles for nurse practitioners.

You’re dealing with long shifts, high-stress situations, managing interesting patient personalities, and somehow always finding new bodily fluids on your scrubs.

If you’re looking to shift away from the industry or simply want to make some extra money on the side, I’ve put together a countdown of the top 5 ways for NPs to hustle outside of the hospital.

(Spoiler: Number 1 is the side hustle that changed my life.) 


But First… Why Consider a Side Hustle?

With the increasing demand for healthcare services and the high pressure involved in the job, a side hustle can be the escape you’re looking for. It definitely was for me!

A side hustle as a nurse practitioner can bring:

  • An additional stream of income (duh!)
  • A change of pace from the demands of being an NP
  • A creative outlet that you don’t get nursing, preventing burnout
  • A window into another potential career path if you choose to go full-time with your side hustle

Okay, let’s dive into the countdown…


Side Hustle for Nurse Practitioners #5. Medical Writing

Medical writing is a great outlet for nurse practitioners to capitalize on that vast medical knowledge (you didn’t spend that tuition money for nothing!). You already know all of the terms, industry lingo, and formalities of the medical field, so you might as well use it as a side gig!

From creating patient education materials to drafting scientific papers, you can harness that expertise to make complex information more accessible.

The Catch: While medical writing can be great side money, it does require a knack for writing and potentially training depending on your clients. Plus, this side hustle might involve tight deadlines and extensive research, which could be too much when added to your full-time gig.


Side Hustle for Nurse Practitioners #4: Tutoring Nursing Students

Pass down your knowledge, and get paid while doing it! You already have a wealth of knowledge to share, and what better way than tutoring the next generation of nurses? Tutoring nursing students not only helps them but reaffirms and updates your own knowledge. Win-win.

The Catch: This hustle does often requires you to leave the comforts of your home, follow a schedule that might clash with your primary job (you have to work around your students’ schedules!), and handle the administrative side of tutoring.


Side Hustle for Nurse Practitioners #3: Health and Wellness Coaching

For nurse practitioners looking to use their in-depth understanding of health and wellness in a more personal way, health coaching is another great option. This side hustle not only allows you to empower others to achieve health goals but also offers the flexibility to work remotely or in-person, depending on what suits you best.

The Catch: Starting out in health coaching requires certification and training (aside from your nursing credentials) to be seen as a legitimate coach. And, you have to figure out how to build up your client base!


Side Hustle for Nurse Practitioners #2: Telehealth Services

The rise of telehealth since the pandemic has opened so many doors for nurse practitioners seeking flexible side hustles. It’s not only bringing in extra money for you, but you’re helping patients in remote or underserved areas without leaving your home. Hooray for more accessible healthcare while staying in your pajama pants!

The Catch: To do telehealth services, you naturally have to familiarize yourself with various telehealth platforms and possibly secure additional licenses depending on the state you’re in. 


The BEST Side Hustle for Nurse Practitioners: Baby Sleep Consulting

Now, for the ultimate side hustle that I firmly believe reigns supreme for nurse practitioners—Baby Sleep Consulting. There are SO many possibilities and they synchronize perfectly with the natural skills of a caregiver.

Most of us are no strangers to sleepless nights, and we know the value of a few hours of uninterrupted shuteye. With proper training, you can help exhausted parents develop healthy sleep habits for their little ones.


Why It’s the Best Option

  • Alignment with Nursing Skills: This job is the sum of your nurturing instinct and your learned medical expertise, so the transition is easy. 
  • Flexibility: Consulting can be done virtually, which is perfect for maintaining work-life balance.
  • Empowerment: Not only are you transforming the lives of families by helping their babies get the required sleep, but you’re also carving a pathway towards financial independence for yourself without the stress of the hospital. 
  • Growth and Development: The field of sleep consulting is only growing, and by getting in now, you set yourself up to be a subject-matter expert.


How I Journeyed into Baby Sleep Consulting

My own transition from nurse to Baby Sleep Consultant brought me closer to a work-life balance I always craved – I realized that I could spend time doing what I loved while spending hours with my own babies at home. I didn’t just find a side hustle; I found a calling – one where I could use my skills to help mothers and babies, earn a substantial income, and witness every milestone in my children’s lives. This experience was so transformative that I founded the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting, aiming to give other nurse practitioners the same opportunity.


Start Your Side Hustle TODAY

Are you ready to take the plunge into one of the most satisfying and profitable side hustles a nurse practitioner can have? Join me and many others making a difference in families’ lives. 

Our Sleep Consultant Program fills you in on everything you need to know to start your next chapter as a baby sleep consultant. 

And I really mean everything – from infant to school-age sleep basics, the science behind sleep, and the marketing knowledge you’ll need to get your business off the ground. 

Baby sleep consulting is one of the DREAM side hustles for nurse practitioners – Get Certified Today! Our incredible community is over 1,000 strong with each student going out into the world to make a difference in families’ lives one peaceful night at a time.


sleep consultant certification

How to Become a Sleep Consultant.

Get Your Sleep Consultant Starter Kit And…


Learn how much you could make as an IPSP sleep consultant


Get a detailed outline of all lesson topics


Learn about our exclusive peer support group


Discover how Violet’s one-on-one mentorship program works


Receive tips for spotting FRAUDULENT courses


++ And Get a Video SNEAK PEEK into our course!

Why choose IPSP?


Flexible Coursework

Our programs are 100% online and self-paced. Work through the curriculum anytime and from anywhere.


Qualified Faculty

Our instructors have the education and real-world experience needed to help you consult with confidence.

Supportive Community

Your tuition includes access to a community of IPSP-trained consultants. Ask questions, share resources, and discuss trends.

Affordable Tuition

Payment plans make it easier for you to achieve your goals without breaking the bank. It’s premier education without the price tag.

Lifetime Certification

Unlike most programs, IPSP doesn’t charge annual recertification fees.

Instant Marketing

Jumpstart your business with a profile on the IPSP website and in-house referral opportunities.

Hands-On Director

Our founder and lead instructor is only an email, phone call, or text away—every day of the week.


Proven Track Record

More than 1000 students have rewarding careers thanks to their IPSP certification.

Plus, no other sleep consultant certification course is taught by a registered nurse.

Have peace of mind knowing you’re investing in the most robust, most up-to-date training available.

Learn from one of the world’s most respected certification programs.

Sleep Consultant Certification Curriculum Outline


The Science of Sleep

Learn the biology of sleep, including the stages of sleep, sleep cycles, and how child development affects sleep.


Sleep Training Techniques

Develop expertise in multiple sleep training methods so you can match your skills to each client’s specific needs.


Bumps in the Road

Understand how to help your clients manage teething, separation anxiety, night weaning, illness, and more.


The Business of Sleep Coaching

Get the nuts and bolts of setting up and running a profitable business, including insurance and liability.


Infant and Toddler Sleep Basics

Know how to help with bedtime struggles, frequent night wakings, early wake-ups, and so much more.


Creating Customized Sleep Plans

Learn exactly how to create successful sleep plans and develop a sleep plan template you can easily and quickly customize.


When to Refer Out

Sometimes, sleep training may not be an appropriate solution, Know how and when to refer your client to another professional.