First Steps to Take as a Baby Sleep Consultant: Starting Your Journey

First Steps to Take as a Baby Sleep Consultant

When I started this industry, I had no idea what first steps to take as a Baby Sleep Consultant.

I was an RN before I started this journey – and despite having extensive medical knowledge and plenty of in-person experience working with patients, making that leap was extremely intimidating.

After having my little ones and getting into the research behind baby sleep, I realized that there was something more behind the passion for me.

I saw that there was a vision of a thriving business behind my interest – something that could really help families in need of a good night’s rest.

Years later, that vision has come true! I have now helped THOUSANDS of parents and babies understand and encourage sleep.

But, the path to becoming a baby sleep consultant was NOT a straight shot from idea to execution.

It has twists, it has turns, it has some headaches…

But in the end, it is the most rewarding path I have ever taken.

So, if you’re looking to become a baby sleep consultant – keep going! You will be so grateful you made the switch.

Below, I’ve put together a walk-through of the first steps to take to become a baby sleep consultant.


Step 1: Understanding the Role of a Baby Sleep Consultant

A baby sleep consultant does NOT just come in and wave a magic wand that instantly stops babies from crying (but if you do know where to get one of those… will you LMK?).

The job is much more complicated than that. You need specialized education, experience in the industry, and some business-know-how to be successful in this industry.

That being said — following the right steps pretty much guarantees that you WILL make it. The first step in that process is really understanding the role.

I recommend you check out my other blog posts that cover what a day in the life of a baby sleep consultant looks like, the income you can make in this industry, and others that will give you that look behind the curtain.

And, while looking at the daily life of a baby sleep consultant is important, I also encourage you to zoom out for a few minutes, and picture what your life could look like if you make this change.

Maybe you’re looking for more time with family…

Maybe you’re not content in your current job and need something else…

Maybe you’ve always through about baby sleep consulting, but never believed in yourself…

Taking the time to look at your life from above will give you the motivation and courage to take this step forward into your new life.

Because that’s really how the first step towards ANYTHING happens. You can’t move forward unless you truly believe in yourself and what you’re doing.

Take it from me… that first step is the hardest but the most rewarding.


Step 2: Getting Educated

Now, this is a crucial step that many people completely skip over. At the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting (IPSP), we prioritize education and learning. We do NOT send sleep consultants out into the world who aren’t prepared for the real deal, and all the challenges that come with it.

A baby sleep consultant supports families by developing personalized sleep plans that cater to the unique needs of each child… which is something you can’t do unless you have your education in check.

It goes beyond mere advice and requires a deep understanding of sleep science, as well as an incredible bedside manner and a LOT of compassion.

Education is the foundation of a successful career in this industry. It’s the one area you do NOT want to skimp on.

IPSP offers an incredible course that will walk you through every lesson needed to go out into the world of baby sleep consulting.

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the curriculum subjects:

  • The Science of Sleep
    • Learn the biology of sleep, including the stages of sleep, sleep cycles, and how child development affects sleep.
  • Sleep Training Techniques
    • Develop expertise in multiple sleep training methods so you can match your skills to each client’s specific needs.
  • Bumps in the Road
    • Understand how to help your clients manage teething, separation anxiety, night weaning, illness, and more.
  • The Business of Sleep Coaching
    • Get the nuts and bolts of setting up and running a profitable business, including insurance and liability.
  • Infant to School-Age Sleep Basics
    • Know how to help with bedtime struggles, frequent night wakings, early wake-ups, and so much more.
  • Creating Customized Sleep Plans
    • Learn exactly how to create successful sleep plans and develop a sleep plan template you can easily and quickly customize.

Check out the Sleep Consultant Program at IPSP here!


Step 3: Gaining Experience

So, now you know EVERYTHING there is to know, you’ve graduated from the Sleep Consultant Program, and you’re finally stepping out into the world

And you wait…

And you look around for clients…

And then…


Real-world experience is that essential next step, but you run into the classic trap of I-need-experience-to-get-clients-but-I-need-clients-to-get-experience.

A tale as old as time.

There are ways to get out of that loop! Offering your services to friends or family can provide practical insights and build your confidence. And, testimonials from these early clients will be GOLD for growing your client base.

But… what if your friends and family don’t have babies? (*gasp… how dare they not have practice babies to use your impeccable education on??*)

Don’t worry, you can still get experience other ways! The ISPS Sleep Consultant Program gives you access to an exclusive online community that has a referral system, ongoing support, and client connections!

Inside the community, you’ll have no problems getting experience and glowing testimonials!


Step 4: Setting Up Your Business

With some real-life experience under your belt, it’s time to set your business up for success.

Which is not for the light-hearted!

Becoming a business owner has its host of challenges, but it also comes with HEAPS of rewards, like…

  • Setting your schedule.
  • Being your own boss.
  • Choosing your clientele.
  • Establishing your boundaries.
  • Having time for a LIFE outside of work.

In order to set up your business, you should decide how your practice will operate. This includes establishing a professional online presence, as your website and social media often serve as that first point of contact. And, setting up clear service descriptions and website navigation are ESSENTIAL.


Step 5: Marketing Your Services.

Don’t have a marketing degree?

Well, I guess you better click off this page – you’re baby sleep dreams end here.

Just kidding! You do NOT need a degree to market your business. In fact, some of the most successful entrepreneurs out there don’t have any traditional higher ed at all.

What you can do is teach yourself the most essential marketing skills from popular books, webinars, or podcasts!

These resources will teach you effective marketing strategies that will connect with your audience.

And guess what? The ISPS Sleep Consultant Program has a whole unit dedicated to the ‘Business’ of Sleep Consulting. So while you are getting your technical education up to par, you can get prepared for the marketing and set-up of your business!

Learn more about the ISPS Sleep Consultant Program here.


The Last of the First Steps to Take as a Baby Sleep Consultant

My final piece of advice… believe you can do this.

It is scary to leave a career behind. It is scary to jump into something new. It is scary to believe in yourself.

But I promise… the first steps to take as baby sleep consultant might seem intimidating — but taking them one-by-one can create a clear path forward. Choosing to switch careers absolutely changed how I live every single day. Since becoming a baby sleep consultant and launching my business, I have seen success that I didn’t even dream of. And that kind of success is out there waiting for you… just take those first steps!


sleep consultant certification

How to Become a Sleep Consultant.

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Why choose IPSP?


Flexible Coursework

Our programs are 100% online and self-paced. Work through the curriculum anytime and from anywhere.


Qualified Faculty

Our instructors have the education and real-world experience needed to help you consult with confidence.

Supportive Community

Your tuition includes access to a community of IPSP-trained consultants. Ask questions, share resources, and discuss trends.

Affordable Tuition

Payment plans make it easier for you to achieve your goals without breaking the bank. It’s premier education without the price tag.

Lifetime Certification

Unlike most programs, IPSP doesn’t charge annual recertification fees.

Instant Marketing

Jumpstart your business with a profile on the IPSP website and in-house referral opportunities.

Hands-On Director

Our founder and lead instructor is only an email, phone call, or text away—every day of the week.


Proven Track Record

More than 1000 students have rewarding careers thanks to their IPSP certification.

Plus, no other sleep consultant certification course is taught by a registered nurse.

Have peace of mind knowing you’re investing in the most robust, most up-to-date training available.

Learn from one of the world’s most respected certification programs.

Sleep Consultant Certification Curriculum Outline


The Science of Sleep

Learn the biology of sleep, including the stages of sleep, sleep cycles, and how child development affects sleep.


Sleep Training Techniques

Develop expertise in multiple sleep training methods so you can match your skills to each client’s specific needs.


Bumps in the Road

Understand how to help your clients manage teething, separation anxiety, night weaning, illness, and more.


The Business of Sleep Coaching

Get the nuts and bolts of setting up and running a profitable business, including insurance and liability.


Infant and Toddler Sleep Basics

Know how to help with bedtime struggles, frequent night wakings, early wake-ups, and so much more.


Creating Customized Sleep Plans

Learn exactly how to create successful sleep plans and develop a sleep plan template you can easily and quickly customize.


When to Refer Out

Sometimes, sleep training may not be an appropriate solution, Know how and when to refer your client to another professional.