Sleep Certification For Nurse Practitioners

sleep certification for nurse practitioners

Sleep Certification For Nurse Practitioners

When I became a certified baby sleep consultant, I had a leg up: I was already an RN. And I know from experience that a care profession background makes sleep certification for nurse practitioners the ideal choice for you.

Here is what infant sleep consultants do, why they love their job, how much money they can earn, and how you can get your certification to practice. If you’re dreaming of a lucrative career you can arrange around your schedule — read on!

In This Article:

  • What Is a Baby Sleep Consultant?
  • What Does a Baby Sleep Consultant Do?
  • What Makes a Sleep Certification For Nurse Practitioners Ideal?
  • How Much Do Infant Sleep Consultants Make?
  • You Can Work From Home
  • How to Earn Your Sleep Certification For Nurse Practitioners


What Is a Baby Sleep Consultant?

Certified baby sleep consultants develop plans for clients that teach babies to sleep through the night without needing to be rocked or nursed to sleep.

This niche is exploding as more parents realize there’s a better way than either letting their baby “cry it out,” or picking their little one up multiple times through the night. It’s the ideal time to get in on this lucrative career.

What Does a Baby Sleep Consultant Do?

Sleep consulting is more than getting a baby to fall asleep. They do all of the following:

  • Give qualified, professional breast feeding advice
  • Teach new moms about infant nutrition
  • Develop a plan tailor-made for the baby and the whole family
  • Teach moms about the science of infant and toddler sleep
  • Help with “bumps in the road” on the way to teaching a baby to sleep alone
  • Refer parents to MDs or other professionals if needed

What Makes a Sleep Certification for Nurse Practitioners Ideal?

As a nurse practitioner, you already have a medical background. That means you have a leg up on other sleep consultants. You know when there may be a medical issue involved, and you may even have dealt with little ones who have special needs.

All of this means you not only can give the best possible input to parents, but you will also be highly respected for your background, so you’ll get more clients.

Trust is important, especially when a parent is hiring someone to help their baby. Nurse practitioners who are certified in baby sleep consulting are a step above the rest. You already have a reputation in a caring profession as well as with making sure babies are safely taught to sleep.

How Much Do Infant Sleep Consultants Make?

Doing a job you love is great. Earning an income that allows you to pursue your dreams and have plenty of downtime is even better!

I have watched this specialization grow into an extremely lucrative career for first myself, and now, my students. My students report that they easily average $300-$400 per consultation.

You Can Work From Home

Medicine is going the way of consultations from a professional’s own home. Baby sleep consulting is a job you can do from your very own home. I take multiple clients via Zoom or Google Meet. So do my happy graduates.

That means no commute, plus the flexibility to schedule consultations around your own lifestyle. I was able to be there for all my daughters’ important milestones — you can too.

How To Earn Your Sleep Certification For Nurse Practitioners

The most important part of starting a baby sleep consultation business is to become certified. You have a great head-start as a nurse practitioner, but being certified shows you’re a specialist in what parents need.

The IPSP Sleep Consultant Program:

  • Is taught by professionals (including MDs, RNs and LPNs)
  • Teaches you the science of baby sleep
  • Gives you the professional edge that earns trust with clients
  • Advises you on the legalities of owning a baby sleep consulting business
  • Teaches you what you need to know to get started

I created my program to fit into the lifestyle you already have. You can take classes on your own time. That means that if you’re still working an outside job, you can conveniently learn the ins and outs of baby sleep consulting.

Once you graduate, you receive your Baby Sleep Consulting Certificate. You’ll be ready with everything you need to know!

Dreaming of a fulfilling, flexible career with a Sleep Certification for Nurse Practitioners? Apply today and get started!

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Proven Track Record

More than 1200 students have rewarding careers thanks to their IPSP certification.

Plus, no other sleep consultant certification course is taught by a registered nurse.

Have peace of mind knowing you’re investing in the most robust, most up-to-date training available.

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Sleep Consultant Certification Curriculum Outline


The Science of Sleep

Learn the biology of sleep, including the stages of sleep, sleep cycles, and how child development affects sleep.


Sleep Training Techniques

Develop expertise in multiple sleep training methods so you can match your skills to each client’s specific needs.


Bumps in the Road

Understand how to help your clients manage teething, separation anxiety, night weaning, illness, and more.


The Business of Sleep Coaching

Get the nuts and bolts of setting up and running a profitable business, including insurance and liability.


Infant and Toddler Sleep Basics

Know how to help with bedtime struggles, frequent night wakings, early wake-ups, and so much more.


Creating Customized Sleep Plans

Learn exactly how to create successful sleep plans and develop a sleep plan template you can easily and quickly customize.


When to Refer Out

Sometimes, sleep training may not be an appropriate solution, Know how and when to refer your client to another professional.

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