International Institute of Infant Sleep Reviews: A SCAM?

international institute of infant sleep reviews

International Institute of Infant Sleep Reviews: A SCAM?

I get so much positive feedback on my reviews of sleep consultant certification schools. Unfortuntely, it’s not good news this time, folks. I was looking for International Institute of Infant Sleep reviews and found what looks like a scam. Here’s what I found out, and how you can stay safe from scam schools.


In This Article

  • WARNING: The First Sleep Consultant School To Be Run By AI?
  • Years Active
  • Faculty Credentials
  • Program Cost
  • Social Media Presence and Searchability
  • Download Our Ultimate Guide to Spotting Fraudulent Programs



The First Sleep Consultant School To Be Run By AI?

I’m putting this information out there right up front because I feel it’s the most important thing for my readers to know. My team ran content for this school through an AI checker and found that a sizeable portion of the site appears to be AI-generated.

Remember that this is according to professional automatic AI checking software. IPSP makes no official accusations of the school. Please feel free to run site content through your own software to confirm this information.

Some examples of what our software found include:


Course Content

Classes, including apparently arbitrary “college course”-style numbering, this is a red flag!

That’s important to know, as at a glance, the course list looks impressive. However, AI-generated content pulls from schools that already exist on the internet. So of course they look impressive…they’re stolen from real schools. (Like ours!)


Embedded Video Clips and Photos

This screenshot of a video seems incredibly real but, unfortunately, is likely an AI-generated model and not a real human. Many of the embedded video clips and still photos were red-flagged as “this is likely AI” by AI generating software.

World Association of Sleep Consultants

The International Institute of Infant Sleep states that it is accredited by the “World Association of Sleep Consultants” (WASC). After reviewing that website, we found photos that also appeared to be AI models. Our team ran the photos through our AI checker, which flagged the photos and the site itself as “this is likely AI.”

Further research to confirm the existence of WASC showed no proof that WASC exists as an entity and showed no members.

While this all seems to be evidence that the International Institute of Infant Sleep is not an actual school, our team of professionals went on to check other elements that we normally investigate to determine the value of infant sleep consultant certification programs.

Here are the results.


Years Active

The copyright does not give a year, nor does the About tab or any other location on the site indicate that the school is anything other than brand-new.

We have no way of verifying how many years this school has been active, nor any way to find actual student reviews.

Although we have no way of verifying that this is the case with this particular school, it is a common scam tactic to put up a scam “school” to quickly take in “tuition.” The scam school simply deletes the web page and disappears, taking the money with it, or it gets shut down because it is not a legitimate school.


Faculty Credentials

The International Institute of Infant Sleep gives no credentials for anyone it lists as its faculty, and as of the publication of this article, links to contact teachers were broken. Moreover, the contact names listed on the website were generic and suspicious. Upon further investigation, none of the individuals listed could be matched with the descriptions provided.


Program Cost

We’ve spoken in the past about how very low and very high tuition are both red flags for sleep consultant schools. That’s because a “school” that charges a very high rate may be taking advantage of the fact that students don’t know yet what a school should be charging.

And on the other side of things, a program that charges a very low rate is a RED FLAG for a scam school, in our experience. They are often trying to “reel students in” with what looks like a dream tuition. However, these programs are able to charge so little because they aren’t paying a qualified staff…in other words, you don’t receive an actual education. (More on this later.)

You should expect to pay tuition between $3500 and $5000 for qualified instructors and a complete curriculum. The International Institute of Infant Sleep charges only $649. This is a big red flag for any “school.” 


Social Media Presence and Searchability

In short, we simply couldn’t find one. Being on Facebook, Instagram and being searchable on Google are all votes of confidence for a baby sleep consulting program. However, this school is not listed on Facebook or Instagram searches from what we could find.

A Google search was equally disappointing. There is a very similarly-named, reputable institute for adult sleep research (we wonder whether that’s why this “school” piggybacked off the name, but there’s no way to verify that). However, the International Institute of Infant Sleep is not in any way affiliated; neither of the two companies lists the other.

This is a worrisome sign. A reputable school will have a presence meant to make it easy for students to find and research them.


No Response

Our team attempted to reach the International Institute of Infant Sleep (IIIS) by phone. Their hours of operation state 24/7. However, the line was always busy, and there was no opportunity to leave a message. We have also attempted to get some answers by email and have not received a response.


Download Our Ultimate Guide to Spotting Fraudulent Programs

The BIGGEST problem our team found with the site is that at first glance, it didn’t look unprofessional at all. That’s how scam schools attract buyers in the first place.

So many of our students tell us that they lost money and time on programs that were incomplete or, worse, weren’t programs at all. So we offer the Ultimate Guide to Spotting Fraudulent Programs. Download yours for free.

Or Skip The Hassle And Sign Up At IPSP Today!

Don’t be a victim of a scam school. Apply to a trusted school that’s been open since 2014 and has certified more than 1000 successful students. We check Institute of International Infant Sleep reviews and other schools so you never get scammed. And we offer a comprehensive program that’s staffed by qualified faculty including RNs, LPNs, MDs, legal attorneys and certified baby sleep consultants so your certification meets the most stringent guidelines. Can’t wait to see you in class!


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Sleep Consultant Certification Curriculum Outline


The Science of Sleep

Learn the biology of sleep, including the stages of sleep, sleep cycles, and how child development affects sleep.


Sleep Training Techniques

Develop expertise in multiple sleep training methods so you can match your skills to each client’s specific needs.


Bumps in the Road

Understand how to help your clients manage teething, separation anxiety, night weaning, illness, and more.


The Business of Sleep Coaching

Get the nuts and bolts of setting up and running a profitable business, including insurance and liability.


Infant and Toddler Sleep Basics

Know how to help with bedtime struggles, frequent night wakings, early wake-ups, and so much more.


Creating Customized Sleep Plans

Learn exactly how to create successful sleep plans and develop a sleep plan template you can easily and quickly customize.


When to Refer Out

Sometimes, sleep training may not be an appropriate solution, Know how and when to refer your client to another professional.

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